Is Propane Renewable Energy?

Written on: January 8, 2024

Learn about the environmental advantages propane offers

propane marshall county, ok Did you know that propane is recognized as an alternative fuel in both the 1990 Clean Air Act and the 1992 National Energy Policy? This is because propane is renowned for its exceptional energy efficiency and minimal environmental impact, making it an ideal energy source for residential and commercial use.

Experience the multitude of environmental advantages that propane offers, coupled with unparalleled comfort and reduced energy expenses, right in the comfort of your own home. Trust Pitmon Oil & Gas for dependable propane delivery and exceptional service.

Although not all propane is renewable, there are numerous reasons why propane is a sustainable option for an environmentally friendly home.

Why is propane considered to be better for the environment?

Propane offers numerous environmental advantages. Most notably, it is a domestically produced fuel, with over 90% of our propane supply being manufactured right here in the United States. This not only strengthens our economy but also ensures a reliable and sustainable energy source for our nation. Moreover, unlike oil, gasoline, diesel fuels, and kerosene, propane eliminates the environmental impact associated with shipping and refining processes.

Propane combustion produces significantly fewer greenhouse gas emissions than electricity generation, while providing the same energy output. Additionally, propane has a lower carbon content than other fossil fuels like gasoline, diesel, kerosene, and ethanol. These qualities make propane an environmentally conscious alternative that promotes a cleaner and more sustainable future.

The transmission of electricity suffers from significant inefficiencies. As electricity makes its way from the power plant to your property through power lines, the movement of electrons encounters resistance, resulting in energy loss. It takes three units of source energy to generate one unit of electricity. Consequently, a larger amount of coal or natural gas must be burned to meet our electricity demands, leading to the release of additional carbon and other gases into the environment.

Reducing energy consumption is crucial for lowering greenhouse gas emissions. In this regard, propane emerges as the ideal solution. Propane appliances are renowned for their energy efficiency, surpassing their electric counterparts. For example, a propane tankless water heater can save you up to 40% on energy costs compared to an electric water heater. Moreover, a propane clothes dryer not only consumes less energy but also dries laundry 25% faster than electric dryers. By embracing propane, you not only contribute to a greener future but also enjoy enhanced efficiency and convenience.

Unlike crude oil products like gasoline, propane presents itself as a reliable alternative that eliminates the potential hazards of spills, pooling, or residue in the unlikely event of a leak. Instead, it effortlessly dissipates into the air. Moreover, propane is non-toxic and poses no harm to water, soil, air, aquatic life, or plant life.

Renewable propane offers hope for a greener future

Although you may not be familiar with renewable propane, it signifies a remarkable stride towards a future devoid of carbon emissions. Embracing this innovation is vital as we venture towards sustainability and the preservation of our environment.

Renewable propane is virtually indistinguishable from conventional propane. It is sourced from sustainable and renewable sources such as animal oils, plant oils, biomass, and other triglycerides. This eco-friendly alternative maintains the same chemical composition while decreasing our dependence on finite resources. By opting for renewable propane, we contribute to a greener future without compromising on performance or reliability.

With the continuous progress in renewable propane, more and more households and businesses, including yours, can now enjoy the advantages of improved comfort and convenience, all while saving money and reducing their environmental footprint.

In Marshall County, OK, and nearby areas, Pitmon Oil & Gas is the leader for propane delivery and services for homes and businesses. Become a customer today!